How do you usually deal with the bare-metal servers when application life cycle ends? Do you tear them apart and reconfigure new machines for next project? Or wipe the old application and run the new project with over/under power system performance?
There are physical limitations on bare-metal servers that make it challenging to configure systems repeatedly to meet performance requirement for every project or task precisely.
GPU devices are now software-defined, All GPU provisioning can be done via a GUI, or API commands. Adding computing powers to your projects becomes an instantaneous action and there is no interuption to your ongoing tasks.
Composable GPU solution can help you accomplish it. GPUs are pooled and become a distinct function in your system. Assign GPUs to compute nodes that need to be accelerated and return them to the pool when the tasks are done. Or “borrow” GPUs from another compute node without shutting down any machine.
Composable GPU solution is ideal for DevOp environments. It speeds up system configurations and deployments process and it improves the ability to scale up or out your infrastructures while ensuring GPU utilization rates, making evey penny of your investment worthy.
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